
ByGiuliano Alviani

Tools & Templates and Further Resources

This section provides useful templates for designing, evaluation, implementing MOOCs and further sources for the use of MOOCs for the world of business.

Tools & Templates


Tool  / Template What and when to use Link
Course Planner by the Open University A really helpful tool for MOOC design. Define your general course information, week overview, learning outcomes plus workload and create one detailed spreadsheet for each week. We have used this template for our Pilot MOOC production. You may adapt it to your needs. OU-general-course-planner-shared-version

(CC-BY-NC-SA license)

MOOC Canvas A conceptual framework for supporting educators in the description and design of MOOCs. The MOOC Canvas is inspired by the Business Model Canvas and defines eleven interrelated issues that are addressed through a set of questions, offering a visual and understandable guidance for educators during the MOOC design process.

(external link)

MOOC Design Patterns A set of design patterns that can be employed to design the MOOC and its activities. The design patterns can be downloaded as a set of cards to be printed.

(external links)

Review template MOOC design Template one can (re-)use to review the design of a MOOC. The quality dimensions and criteria are based on existing literature and aligned with those used in other MOOC projects and by MOOC platforms BizMOOC-Review-Template-MOOC-Design

(CC-BY license)

Pre-MOOC survey amongst MOOC participants Questionnaire about characteristics and intentions amongst participants before the MOOC starts BizMOOC-Pre-Course-Survey-MOOC-participants

(CC-BY license)

Post-MOOC evaluation survey amongst participants Questionnaire for evaluating MOOCs  amongst participants after the MOOC ended. BizMOOC-Post-Course-Survey-MOOC-participants

(CC-BY license)

Pre-MOOC expert evaluation Open questions used to get feedback from external experts before MOOC starts. This has a generic framework but some questions are tailored to specific aim and target group of the MOOC. BizMOOC-Pre-MOOC-Expert-Evaluation

(CC-BY license)

Post-MOOC expert evaluation Open questions used to get feedback from external experts in focus group session afterMOOC ended. Again this has a generic framework but some questions are tailored to specific aim and target group of the MOOC. BizMOOC-Post-MOOC-Expert-Evaluation

(CC-BY license)

Learning Design Instruction Video At the start of the Pilot MOOC production in the BizMOOC project, the whole team received a training at the Open University UK to the principles of Learning Design. A video was recorded as an introduction to Learning Design for everyone who is interested. Link to the Video

(CC-BY-NC-SA license)


Selected Papers, Proceedings and Presentations based on BizMOOC results

  • Friedl, C., Staubitz, T. (2018). Corporate MOOC Trends, in: Jansen, D., Konings, L. (Eds.) The 2018 OpenupEd Trend Report on MOOCs. (pp. 35-38). Maastricht, NL: EADTU.
  • Friedl, C., Zur, A., Staubitz, T., Jansen, D. (2018). Rescue Through the Back Door: Can MOOCs Become a Large-Scale Bottom-Up Innovation Driver for Companies?, Poster at the 13th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 20-21 September 2018, Aveiro.
  • Friedl, C, Zur, A. (2018). The first MOOC on Intrapreneurship: How to successfully inspire 2,951 online learners from 98 countries with entrepreneurial thinking. Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 20-21 September 2018, Aveiro.
  • Friedl, C., Staubitz, T., Jansen, D. (2018). Flexible, self-directed and bottom-up: Are employees overtaking their Human Resource departments with MOOCs?; Learning With MOOCs Conference Proceedings, Madrid, 2018. Video (presentation from Min. 9:30 to 15:00)
  • Staubitz, T., Traifeh, H., Meinel, C.  (2018). Team-Based Assignments in MOOCs – User Feedback; Learning With MOOCs Conference Proceedings, Madrid, 2018.
  • Staubitz, T., Meinel, C.  (2018). Collaborative Learning in MOOCs – Approaches and Experiments; Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, San Jose, 2018.
  • Pitt, B., Friedl, C., Jansen, D., Driha, O. (2017): The MOOC Potential to address European Challenges in CPD and Continuous Education, in: Ubachs, G., Konings, L. (2017). Higher Education for the Future; “Accelerating and Strengthening Innovation”, OOFHEC2017 Conference Proceedings, Milton Keynes, UK.
  • Resei, C., Friedl, C., & Zur, A., (2018). Entrepreneurship Education, MOOCs and Beyond. BizMOOC Final Conference “Upgrading Business Competences”, Proceedings come soon, Cracow, 10-11 November 2018.
  • Friedl, C., Jansen, D. (2018). Webinar on MOOC Design. OpenupEd Webinar series, 23 October 2018. Recording and Presentation.
  • Resei, C. (2018). BizMOOC for the World of Business @ EdCrunch2018 in Moscow, 3 October 2018
  • Friedl, C. (2017): Human Resources Development and MOOCs, 16. E-Learning Tag der FH JOANNEUM, Graz.
  • Pauschenwein, J, Friedl, C. (2017): BizMOOC for universities, ICEM2017 Digital Universities in the MOOC Era: Redesigning Higher Education, Naples, Italy.
  • Friedl, C. (2017). Webinar in the MOOC by German Graduate School on Human Resource Management in the Digital Age on “MOOCs for the World of Business”
  • Friedl, C. (2017): MOOCs for companies, Keynote in the Session “MOOCs for Companies, EMOOCs2017 European MOOC Summit, Madrid.
  • Friedl, C., Maček, A. (2017): MOOCs for the world of business, ICAMIB2017, 3rd International Research on Accounting, Management and Business Innovations conference, Graz.
  • Friedl, C., Maček, A., Driha, O., Jansen, D., Bridgman, S. (2016): MOOCs – why (not)? Opportunities and barriers for European universities and organisations, Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Conference Proceedings, pp. 908-920, Rom.
  • Maček, A., Friedl C., Kiendl-Wendner, D. (2016): MOOCs for European Higher Education Institutions, IRI Conference on Education and Society, Conference Proceedings, Komárno, Slovakia.
  • Friedl, C., Kiendl-Wender, D., Berghofer, J. (2016): MOOCs – warum eigentlich (nicht)? Potentiale und Barrieren europäischer Universitäten und Unternehmen, 15. E-Learning Tag der FH JOANNEUM, Conference Proceedings, Graz.
  • Friedl, C. (2016): European Support services in Developing MOOCs – the example of BizMOOC, EMOOCS2016 Panelbeitrag, University of Graz.
  • More to come…

Selcted Further Readings to MOOCs (and beyond) for the World of Business